Piercing Information


prices below are service fees ONLY. Jewelry is not included. There is a large variety of stone and gem settings for you to chose from in various metals. Options typically start between $40-$55 with more decorative options available. We require purchase of new jewelry from leviticus for initial piercings. We can not reuse or use jewelry from outside of the shop for piercing services.  

There is an additional $10 fee for any piercings for anyone under 18 due to extra documentation required.    

Ear Piercing

Lobe – up to 12G – $30
2 Lobes up to 12G – $60
Lobe 10G and up – $60

Helix / Rim – $45
Forward Helix – $45
Rook – $45
Tragus – $45
Anti-Tragus – $45
Conch – $45
Faux Snug (conch and helix) – $90
Daith – $50
Industrial – $90

Facial Piercings

Eyebrow – $45
Septum – $55
Nostril – $45
Bridge – $55
Tongue – $60
Lip – $55
Vertical Lip - $55
Labret – $55
Beauty Mark – $55
Inverse Labret – $55. Philtrum – $55

Body Piercings

Nipple – $50
Both Nipples – $100
Navel – $45
Surface Piercing – $55

Genital Piercings

Penis piercings only available with guest piercer Allyx in limited time periods

Vertical Hood – $100 Horizontal Hood - $100
Christina - $100
Inner Labia – $100
Outer Labia – $100
Dydoe – $100
Frenum – $100
Prince Albert – $100
reverse prince albert – $100
apadravya – $100
ampallang – $100
lorum – $100

Surface Work

Microdermal – $55
Surface Piercing – $65


pair of lobes – $15
re-opening a piercing - $15

Microdermal Removal

$15 per miocrodermal

Jewelry changes, insertions, and removals

We recommend having a piercer assist you in changing or installing new jewelry to ensure a secure, anatomy based fit for your new jewelry

1-3 Piercings - $15
4-6 Piercings - $20
7-10 piercings - $30
Genital Piercing Jewelry Change (excludes nipples) - $30

Jewelry Removal is $10

*Jewelry inserted at Leviticus must meet our quality standards, be scratch free and the appropriate size for the piercing site. The only way we can give you a definitive answer to weather or not your jewelry can be inserted by us is by seeing the piece of jewelry and your anatomy.

check ups

check ups are encouraged and complimentary for up to 10 weeks after your initial piercing service. After 10 weeks the services is $15.Checkups for piercings below the waist are $15 to assess the piercing or $30 to change the jewelry.

Downsizing (inserting a smaller post once healed) is crucial to maintaining a happy and healthy piercing. While we wave the fee for the service, the client does pay for the new jewelry that is inserted which is typically $15-30.

Healing Times

Healing Times Vary Between clients and depend on aftercare and lifestyle. Below are estimated times for your piercing to fully heal. You do not want to leave jewelry out of a piercing that is still healing for any amount of time.

Ear piercings - 9-12 months

facial piercings - 9-12 months

Oral Piercings - 4 - 6 months

Torso/surface piercings - 9-12 months

Genital Piercings 2-4 months

Want to put a ring in it?

For piercings excluding the daith, septum and some genital piercings, we always start with a straight post for the initial piercing and healing period. Putting a ring in a piercing that isn’t fully healed will cause uneven pressure on the healing piercing channel. This can result in irritation and healing issues including an extended healing time or need for removal of the piercing.

Using your own jewelry

We require the purchase of a new post for every new piercing. We want the wearable surface to be brand new, high polish and free of any debris. If you would like to use an end you already have, we can do that as long as it meets out quality standards and does not have major damage or scratches. In this case, your jewelry must be dropped off at least 24 hours prior to your service and a $15 processing fee will be added to your service. WE CAN NOT REUSE YOUR OLD POST.


Cleaning Instructions for Body Piercings

Keep the new piercing clean, dry and do not touch. 

Wash your hands thoroughly.  Spray entrance and exit holes with Neil Med wound wash saline solution (.9% sterile saline) 2 times daily. 

For septum piercings, you do not need to use sterile saline. Because this is a mucous membrane less is more. Simply submerge your fresh piercing in a cup of distilled water for 30 seconds and blow out your nose. Do this once daily.

Wipe away any discharge and/or debris from the jewelry with a non-woven gauze or clean paper towel saturated with saline.

Dry the piercing after cleaning. A fan or hairdryer on the cool setting is ideal. You may also fan the new piercing with your hand to dry it.

A clean pillowcase or t-shirt over your pillow is recommended for ear and facial piercings, as well as clean bedding to minimize exposure to germs. 

Continue to clean the piercing through the entire healing process. Piercings heal from the outside, in.  Although it may seem healed the tissue inside remains fragile.

Return for the downsize as ill fitting jewelry can irritate a piercing and/or shift the piercing channel. A new post is $15 for threadless jewelry and $35 for threaded pieces.

Please consult a health care professional at the first sign of infection. 

what to avoid

Avoid touching your piercing. This causes contamination resulting in irritation or infection. 

Do not remove your jewelry during the healing process unless instructed by a medical professional.

Avoid applying make-up, soap, facial cleanser, or any other cosmetics on or near the piercing site.

Do not use harsh chemicals, ointments (Bacitracin/Neosporin), or “natural” aftercare products such as tea tree oil or chamomile.

Do not leave wet hair down on your piercing while healing.

Avoid swimming or submerging the piercing site for 2-4 months. 

Do not sleep on your new piercing. A travel pillow can be used if you are unable to refrain from sleeping on your piercing.

Do not touch, twist or turn jewelry while healing. 

oral piercing specifics

Rinse a new oral piercing with water any time you eat, drink, or smoke.

Drink plenty of filtered cold or ice water. This can help alleviate swelling.

Use a new toothbrush and natural toothpaste that doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate.

Elevate your head with an extra pillow while sleeping to help reduce swelling.

Avoid alcohol, spicy and salty foods and foods hot in temperature during the healing process.

Avoid harsh products containing alcohol such as Listerine, this kills the bacteria needed for healing.

Avoid sharing food and beverages as well as wet kissing and oral sex while healing to avoid the spread of bacteria. 

Downsizing jewelry is especially important in oral piercings as ill fitting jewelry can lead to tooth and gum damage.



A deposit of the piercing fee is required to schedule all piercing appointments including checkups and downsizes

Should you need to cancel or RESCHEDULE, we require a minimum of 48 hours notice or your deposit will be forfiet to your piercer for lost time.

Deposits are nonrefundable and non transferrable.

Some piercing locations require suitable anatomy for SUCCESSFUL healing. Your piercer can go over options during your SCHEDULED appointment if your anatomy does not support the piercing you have in mind. In this case, you can choose another piercing or we can refund your deposit.

If you are more than 5 minutes late to your scheduled piercing appointment, your deposit will be forfeit and you will need to put down another deposit to reschedule. We will likely not be able to see you the same day.

we prefer you do not bring guests to your appointment. should you need a support person, they are able to help choose jewelry but will be asked to wait in the lobby for the piercing procedure.

Please do not bring multiple support people to your appointment.

ALL OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET FOR MINOR PIERCINGS. no exceptions can be made as the health department dictates these guidelines.

There is an additional $10 service fee for all minor piercings.

Parent or legal guardian must fill our the release form and accompany the minor in the piercing room during the procedure.

Both parent and minor must have valid photo IDs. School IDs are acceptable for the minor. We can also use an Amber Alert Card, Life touch Card, Yearbook, parent portal or DMV papers.

Don’t have an ID? You can take your minor to the DMV to get a ID card or use the smile safe program through life touch if the minor has had photos taken through them with this link



present aN original birth certificate, adoption papers or other proof of guardianship with a state seal or notary stamp. If the guardian’s name is different on ID and birth certificate, change of name forms are also required. We require a state seal or notarized document for the birth certificate and change of name forms. copies will not be accepted.

Parents must assume responsibility for aftercare. Minors cannot be expected to be as diligent about aftercare as they need to be without parental supervision and reminders.

We reserve the right to refuse piercing a client when circumstances suggest a low potential for successful healThese are State regulations and will be strictly enforced to comply with the Minnesota Department of Health guidelines. If you have any questions of acceptable forms of identification, please. Call the shop.

Piercing Ages-with proper documentation above

8 year olds may pierce their ear lobes. We will ask the minor for informed consent. IF they don’t tell us they want their ears pierced, we will not provide service.

14 year olds may pierce their ear lobes, helix, Septum and nostril. We do a limit the number of piercings to two in one session.

16 year old may pierce their ear lobes, helix, eyebrow, navel, tragus, conch, daith, rook, philtrum, lip inverse labret and vertical philtrum.

17 year olds may pierce their bridge

All other piercings require the client to be over 18 years of age.

PLEAse note that you do not want to submerge a fresh piercing for 4 months after the inital healing period.

Minor Policy


Can i get pierced while on accutane?

Unfortunately, we decline piercing services on a client who is on accutane as it impedes the ability of the body to heal. We ask that you wait 6 months after your last dose to recieve a new piercing. We are able to help you change your jewelry in a healed piercing.

Can my friend(s) watch / hold my hand?

Due to covid, we ask that you do not bring guests to your SCHEDULED appointment. If you do need one support person, they can help you choose jewelry and wait in the lobby. Only the client and piercer will be in the piercing room.

Can we take pictures / video?

We request you refrain from taking videos in the piercing room.  Photos are allowed as long as they do not interfere with the piercing process.

Can i Use numbing cream?

Unfortunately, not. Numbing cream changes the vasularity of your tissue which could result in a piercing that looks straight with numbing cream on being crooked when the tissue settles.

How long do I have to leave it in for? / How long until I can change the jewelry?

You want to wear the original jewelry for the first 4-6 weeks, and downsize the post as the swelling goes down.  In oral piercing, downsizing is typically done more than once and the first time about 2 weeks after being pierced.  The length of the healing period varies from person to person and piercing to piercing. 

Oral piercings need to be downsized frequently during the healing process as the initial jewelry accommodates for swelling and as the swelling goes down the jewelry can catch and cause oral damage if not downsized. 

Once the piercing is fully  healed you can change the jewelry if you would like.  We are always happy to assist you in changing jewelry so the newly formed, delicate skin is not damaged.

If you want to keep the piercing it is never recommended to take the jewelry out  for an extended period of time. Removing and reinstalling jewelry can cause tissue trauma that may require  healing time. Some piercings stay open longer than others without jewelry in place. How long piercings take to “close up” varies greatly from person to person as well. The longer you’ve had the piercing the more likely it is to stay open. Piercings don’t necessarily “close” or “heal” up but they shrink down to a size that can make reinsertion difficult or impossible. The best way to find out how long you can leave your piercing out for is trial and error with gradually increasing periods without wearing the jewelry. Take your jewelry out for an hour. Put it back in. If it goes back in easily, leave it out a little longer the next time. If it doesn’t go back in very easily don’t take it out out again for a while.

What are age requirements for piercing?

There are strict guidelines when piercing minors issued by the Minnesota Department of Health. We must have all of the documentation listed in order to pierce, check on or change jewelry for minors. we are not able to make any exceptions to this policy. This documentation must be presented at every visit.

12 year olds may pierce their ear lobes.

14 year olds may pierce their ear lobes, helix and Septum. We do a limit the number of piercings in one session to two.

16 year old may pierce their ear lobes, nostril, helix Septum, eyebrow, navel, tragus, conch, daith, rook, philtrum and lip.

All other piercings require the client to be over 18 years of age.

The Minnesota Department of Heath and Minnesota Laws state we may not perform nipple or genital piercing, surface bar or microdermal anchors on any minor regardless of parental consent. Aside from this, the rest are Leviticus policies and not state laws.

How long will it take my piercing to Heal?

Healing times vary from person to person and different piercings have different healing ranges.  Diligently following aftercare will help speed up the healing process. Touching your piercing, using improper aftercare products, and moving the jewelry UNNECESSARILY will prolong the healing period.  

Do you use a needle or a gun for piercings?

We use a single use, hollow needle for every piercing done at Leviticus.  

Piercing guns are never used as they cause trauma to the piercing site. They can not be sterilized and use dull jewelry to pierce the body. The end result is often ill fitting, uncomfortable jewelry with a high chance for improper piercing angle.


Absolutely! We only use high quality body jewelry from companies such as BVLA, Anatometal, LeRoi, Body gems, Buddha organics and Neometal to name a few. All of our jewelry is Titanium and mirror polished or solid gold. 

The finish on the jewelry is just as important as the material. Small scratches in the jewelry surface will prolong the healing period because the newly forming skin starts to heal around and into those small scratches, preventing the piercing from healing.  

What happens to my navel piercing if I get pregnant?

If the piercing is still healing when you become pregnant it’s probably best to simply remove it so your immune system can be fully devoted to your baby. If the piercing is healed, some women are able to wear their navel piercing throughout their pregnancy, some may find it more comfortable to remove it or replace it with a flexible plastic barbell. Some doctors may also request that it be removed. We can help you change the jewelry to a more flexible plastic barbell to retain the piercing through pregnancy. If you’ve taken your jewelry out due to pregnancy and the piercing is healed and well established, chances are fairly good that we could reopen the hole after delivery. The sooner you try to replace it the more likely we are to be successful.

Can I still breast feed if I pierce my nipples?

Nipple piercings have no adverse effect on breast feeding since milk is secreted through gland throughout the nipple.  The jewelry should be removed for the sake of your baby’s mouth. Due to frequency and tenderness during breast feeding, jewelry should be kept out until the baby is weened. Ocassionally we can reopen the piercings after breast feeding is finished. If they can not be reopened, the can usually be repierced in the same location.